Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Update: Television Blogging

Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I have been a bit late to watch TV recently and rather than wax ecstatically about shows that were on a week ago, I'm going to give a brief review on every show I've watched in the last 2 weeks (starting from Thursday, April 17) in bits and pieces over the next 24 hours or so and then start fresh with Thursday night television tomorrow (or Friday) with a full review for each show. Sound good? If it doesn't, then too bad! On we go!

1) April 17 - My Name is Earl - "No Heads and a Duffle Bag"
My Name is Earl used to contain enough quirky comedy to keep me entertained for a full half hour without multi-tasking through it. Now, however, I'm bored 5 minutes in. Jason Lee is one of my favorite sarcastic actors and Jaime Pressley's portrayal of Joy was excellent: almost over the top without actually crossing the line in every episode. With Earl in a coma, and Randy trying to wake him up by crossing items off of his list, it's now just plain stupid. Beau Bridges played an integral part in this episode as Earl & Randy's dad. Again, used to be funny, now is just contrived. This show is about to be bumped from my Tivo.

2) April 17 - 30 Rock - "Subway Hero"
Okay, I love 30 Rock. Absolutely adore it. But since the writers have been off-strike, I don't know if the magic has really been recaptured on this show. "MILF Island", the episode that preceded this, had few laugh out loud moments. "Subway Hero" got me to laugh out loud a bit more, but not like I did with Season 1. I can pop in the DVDs, put on "Tracy Does Conan" or "The Rural Juror" and end up almost peeing myself from laughing so hard. Now, not so much. However, "Subway Hero" did have its moments. Dennis "The Beeper King" Duffy considering throwing Liz Lemon in front of the subway and claiming to be "Fiscally Liberal, Socially Conservative". Tracy Jordan's "Don't vote!" video. Kenneth with his "Lord's name" write in vote. 30 Rock is still delivering, just not as fast and furious as it was in Season 1.

3) April 17 - The Office - "Chair Model"
Oh thank you, sweet "Chair Model". The Office is absolutely brilliant. Michael is on the prowl after a disastrous dinner party leaves him Jan-less. In an effort to find a new chair, Michael finds a chair model (or at least a picture of one). Michael demanding that everyone in the office must set him up with a friend, his awkward date with Pam's landlord, and his constant desire to league-hop with a 20-something kept me laughing non-stop. Dwight's investigation on the chair model herself, who turned out to be a substance abuser who is now dead, and the graveyard scene at the end were both ridiculous and hilarious. The sub-plot that made the show for me, however, was once again between Jim & Pam. I have been a Jim & Pam supporter since Season 1 and have always hoped for those crazy kids to get together. When Jim showed that ring to the camera, I got all teary-eyed. My boyfriend looked at me like I was absolutely nuts! Then, to top it off, Pam looks away momentarily to find Jim on his knee, proposal style, only to find out that he was just tying his shoe. Priceless! Though I think "Dinner Party" missed the mark a bit, "Chair Model" could be the best episode of the season.

4) April 17 - Scrubs - "My Manhood"
So Turk, you are missing a testicle. No big deal. No need to prove that you are more of a man by remote wrestling. Or is there? Scrubs is funny but definitely not a show that I'm attached to in any way. It tends to sit on my Tivo a bit longer than other shows. I loved the sub-plot with the janitor and his newsletter. Dr. Cox needs hugs! Oh that crazy janitor and his shenanigans! Overall, not horrible, not fantastic. Funny but not stitch in the side, gasping for air funny.

5) April 17 - Survivor Micronesia: Fans vs. Favorites - "I Promise..."
I had lost interest in Survivor last season. It wasn't that Survivor:China was bad. I've heard quite the opposite, in fact (I still haven't watched it). I was bored with the premise. Bored with Jeff Probst. Bored with the exotic locations and the immunity idols. I was tired of looking at dirty people and sick of hearing them whine. Then they tell me that Yau-Man, Jonny Fairplay, Ozzy, and Jonathan Penner are going to be back for a Fans vs. Favorites show and I am in. I am SO in. This episode had me screaming! I was so happy that they figured out a way to get Ozzy out. It was terrible that they lied to Jason to get him to stop trying for immunity, however, that's the way the cookie crumbles. Lying is a part of reality TV, people! I don't care how long you stood up there with your hand over your head. Donuts and Cookies and Pizza and Beer aren't worth potentially giving up $1,000,000. Making new friends by sharing said food is not worth giving up $1 million either. What a dolt. But Ozzy leaving was one of the best twists I've seen in a long time. Great job Cirie!

Friday, April 18, 2008

First Post - About Me

The recent demise of TV Guide's podcast has left a giant hole in my heart and finally lit the fire under my butt to start reviewing and summarizing television shows in a blog-like fashion myself. As this is my first post, I should probably give you some background. My name is Randi and I'm 27 years old. From the age of about 8 to about 16, I was a walking television guide. The Fall TV preview issue of TV Guide was the thing that I waited for all year. I couldn't wait to fall in love with new characters and new settings. Immersing myself in a fairy-tale land of television was a nightly activity. I grew up with Brandon and Brenda Walsh, learned about my period with Felisha Rashad in her very special guest spot on Blossom, swooned over Jordan Catalano with Angela Chase, and learned more about my parents' generation with Kevin and Winnie Cooper.

Though I do love movies, they have never quite compared to the familiarity and attachment that you get from television characters. There is something magical about a story that continues on a weekly basis. Every year it seems I have more and more scheduling conflicts for all of the TV shows that I want to watch. Below is a list of everything that I presently watch (in a timeline order for memory purposes):

*Dancing with The Stars
*Big Bang Theory
*How I Met Your Mother
*Gossip Girl
*Samantha Who?
*The Bachelor
*American Idol
*Beauty & The Geek
*Big Brother
*Hell's Kitchen
*Top Chef
*Men in Trees
*Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites
*My Name is Earl
*30 Rock
*The Office
*Ugly Betty
*Gray's Anatomy
*Desperate Housewives
*Brothers & Sisters
*Family Guy

In the fall, I'm liable to pick up even more television, especially if there are good pilots out there. Also, the return of Pushing Daisies, Friday Night Lights, Dirty Sexy Money, Private Practice, Entourage, Big Love, The Amazing Race, and many other shows is making me quite excited for the Fall! I also love the summer reality shows like So You Think You Can Dance, which is one of my absolute favorites.

So that's me in a nutshell. Expect to read a little bit about each of those shows, as well as movies that I end up seeing both in the theater and on DVD. At home from Netflix, I presently have Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (gearing up for this May's Indy) and I just sent back disc 1 of Freaks & Geeks, The Complete Series. That show is absolutely genius! Lars & The Real Girl and the 2nd disk of Freaks & Geeks should be coming soon. I'm also in the middle of season 2 of Arrested Development on, which if you haven't heard of hulu, go check it out now! They have full series available for streaming as well as some excellent films. Keep in mind that not everything on there is quite that excellent. But "Dude, Where's My Car?", comic genius!

In my next post, expect to read my thoughts on Thursday Night NBC comedies: My Name is Earl, 30 Rock, The Office, and Scrubs.